Supporting Nepali Communities suffering hardships



Community Support Nepal was registered as a charity back in November 2016, following the disastrous earthquakes in Nepal.

We believe in empowering the Nepali community but supporting communities in constructing their own vision for their own community improvement plan and to put it into action.

We do this by forming and empowering functional civil society groups such as, Women’s Group.  We are supporting communities to enhance awareness of the rights of women and children and ultimately build up stronger and healthier community equipped with education and skills.

We are also fully committed to help people succeed.   It’s not simply a matter of dispersing money but making a deep longer term commitment and keeping an eye on ongoing projects.  With this model in mind, we have, and will have, partnerships with emerging and committed organisations for various programmes.

The management and operation of Community Support Nepal is overseen by the Trustees, who fulfill the principles of good governance and thus sets itself apart with its set norms of sustainability, scalability, accountability, transparency credibility and effective leadership.

Registered Charity 1170073

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